1 In person free consultations available in Salt Lake City, Utah or Austin, Texas and subject to availability. Travel to other locations in, but not limited to, the United States may be available upon request for a fee.
2 24 hours is the metric on which we measure our performance and engagement. Promised turnaround times vary per contract and should be discussed in advance based on individual needs.
3 5 days is the delivery window for a proposal after the required discovery call within the 14 day schedule window. Proposal may take longer or not be delivered if necessary information and communication is not established.
4 When we say we aim for a 72 hour turnaround time. We really mean it, but we also have ADHD, so maybe hit us up again if it's really urgent. We're never intentionally ignoring you. Scout's honor.5
5 Okay so we're not *technically* Scouts, but we're still honorable, pinky promise.6
6 We're also musicians and need our pinky fingers to play guitar, bass, piano/keys, etc. So you know we definitely take pinky swears seriously.